Feature Spotlight: iSupport Slack Integration…And More!

Feature Spotlight: iSupport Slack Integration…And More!
August 27, 2020 Lisa Kimery
For nearly 30 years iSupport has provided service desk solutions and collaboration tools to service providers and the service receivers they support. iSupport’s Slack Integration feature enables that collaboration to extend into Slack. Easy to configure via a simple drag and drop interface, iSupport’s Slack Integration feature enables data from iSupport work items to be instantly posted to specified Slack channels. Configure automation rules in iSupport that trigger posts about important incident, problem, change, and purchase updates that your Slack channel members need to know.  Check out the iSupport Slack Integration video for a quick overview.

In the upcoming v17 release of iSupport, get ready for even more collaboration tools such as integration with Microsoft Teams for on-demand meetings from iSupport work items!