Needs Assessment: Taking the First Step

Needs Assessment: Taking the First Step
November 2, 2015 Lisa Kimery

On the journey of identifying and automating core business practices, performing a needs analysis is a logical first step. While most organizations will already have some specific issues they’re trying to address, it’s important to step back and invest some time in a formal needs analysis. The better you understand your needs, the more wisely you can select your solution.

While it is natural for an initial needs assessment to focus on what isn’t working, and what ought to be automated—and this is a very good place to start—it is important to also look forward toward how processes could be improved beyond solving current pain points. The needs assessment effort provides a great opportunity for analyzing the efficiency of current business processes and considering where redesigning existing, or creating new, business processes provides value.

See iSupport’s new whitepaper Identifying and Automating Core Business Practices to find out more about needs assessment, putting together a needs assessment team, identifying your workflows and business processes, and more.