About Nebraska Department of Roads
We have over 2300 employees all across Nebraska. The state is split into districts which have their own IT support technicians. Our division supports the IT needs with application development, network and technical support for the agency. We began using c.Support in 2007. c.Support has now become iSupport.
The Challenge
We started out using c.Support but not to the fullest extent. The districts in the outer perimeters of the state were not familiar with the tracking system. Some of the districts opted not to participate. It was a challenge because they were used to their old ways of “phone tag” and email.
The Solution
Fast forward 7 years. We are slowly winning the race and educating more of the outer areas of the state on how to use what is now iSupport. Today we fully support the End User Desktop. We give a short demo for new hires when they start. Educating the district on the usefulness of the software has been rewarding.
The Result
We continue to educate and keep the software up to date with the many great features it has. Doing so has helped the district continue to see value and has increased the amount of technicians that find it comfortable and easy to use.